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Mathematics Major

School of Science and Engineering

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Mathematics and Statistics Department

(440) 826-5944,


老师们致力于你的成长, 数学专业是一个多功能的欧博allbet,为你提供纯数学和应用数学的基础, 带来广泛的职业机会.

Mathematics major students

你想在未来的职业生涯中运用你对数学的热爱吗? 数学家擅长独创性、分析和解决问题. As a mathematics major, you will build outstanding mathematical, computational and communication skills.

学生们经常将数学专业与其他相关领域的学习结合起来,比如 computer science, physics, finance, or data science这是一个强大的组合,为数学专业增添了深度. 许多学生选择攻读数学科学的研究生课程,以进一步拓宽就业机会.

如果你热爱数学,想用它为工作做出贡献, BW的数学课程提供了良好的基础.

Applied Mathematics vs. Pure Mathematics

Practical application is at the core of applied mathematics. 它提供了一种具体的建模方法, 预测和解释现实世界中的事情如何有序地进行.

Pure mathematics 侧重于数学理论和更广泛的基础. 虽然两者有很大的重叠,都提供职业准备的好处, 选择一个学科而不是另一个学科与个人的职业目标有关.

Within the mathematics major, 学生将有机会选择应用数学或纯数学途径.

Interested in Becoming a Math Teacher?

如果你想成为一名数学老师,BW有一个优秀的 teacher education program.

What Can You Do with a Mathematics Degree?

我们的校友在商业、工业、政府、中学和高等教育领域取得了丰硕的成果. 他们是熟练的问题解决者,并带来了在工作场所备受推崇的定量视角. 许多BW数学校友也选择参加数学研究生课程.

数学专业的毕业生曾为克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic)等雇主工作, KeyBank, USPS, Hyland Software, Walt Disney World and Progressive.


  • Operations research analyst
  • Mathematical statistician
  • Data analyst
  • Financial analyst
  • Business intelligence developer
  • Inventory management
  • Fraud data & business intelligence
  • Manager of data science


数学专业的学生将咨询他们的学术顾问,并可以通过选择专业的纯轨道或应用轨道来专攻. 数学专业的学生学习基础课程,并参与高级水平的研究. 所有数学专业的学生都有计算机背景. 该课程旨在提供严格的学科培训,并结合选修课程,提供灵活性.

Course Catalog

Course Descriptions

课程描述,专业要求和其他信息可以在 University Catalog.


作为一名数学专业的学生,你将享受小班授课,老师们了解你,并致力于你的学习. 我们在校内和校外提供了大量的机会向公众展示你的作品.

我们的许多学生完成实习,这可能导致全职工作. 数学课程设在大学美丽的诺尔顿中心, an ideal location for study, collaboration, and community.

State-of-the-Art STEM Center

BW的诺尔顿中心为学生提供创新的工程学习体验, mathematics, 计算机科学和物理学将使他们能够探索网络安全, artificial intelligence, mathematical modeling and simulation, 机器人和光学,同时与行业领导者联系.

Knowlton Center


Kappa Mu Epsilon

这个国家数学荣誉学会的成员已经达到了学术标准, professional merit and academic distinction.

Choose Ohio First STEM Scholars Program

The BW Choose Ohio First STEM Scholars Program 对秋季即将进入鲍德温华莱士大学的一年级学生或转学生以及对数学感兴趣的俄亥俄州居民开放吗. 学生有资格申请该欧博allbet,该欧博allbet还提供“选择俄亥俄第一”奖学金, awarding substantial annual, renewable scholarships.


Harry Rouse Harry Rouse '22. “我正在博林格林州立大学攻读纯数学硕士学位. BW数学老师对这门学科充满热情,激励我进一步学习数学. My courses prepared me to hit the ground running as a graduate student; the skills I learned in my research are invaluable to my current work on my thesis.”

Sophia Weidner Sophia Weidner ’20, 华特迪士尼世界规划统计助理. “我在数学欧博allbet和女子足球队的经历教会了我重要的沟通和解决问题的能力. I've been fortunate to keep in touch with many professors; I would not have had the opportunity to build these relationships at a larger university.”

Katie Wohlford Katie Wohlford '19, Fraud Data & BI Senior Associate, KeyBank. “在标准课程之外,我从教授那里得到的额外帮助让我提高了编程技能, 从而获得有意义的实习和提前毕业.”

Hastrings Marek Hastings Marek '17, Mathematician, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. “我有最好的学术顾问,他们帮助我设计了职业道路, aided in admittance to graduate school, and served as references. 我在查尔斯顿学院读研究生, 获得环境与可持续发展研究硕士学位.”


Brent Strunk

Chair, Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science Department
Ph.D., Purdue University

Brent Strunk

Lecturer of Mathematics
M.A., Mathematics, John Carroll University

Barbara Aylward

Laura Croyle

Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Kentucky

Laura Croyle

Chungsim Han

Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Brandeis University

Chungsim Han

Amy Nowacki


Amy Nowacki

Peggy Slavik

Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics Education, Kent State University

Peggy Slavik

Full-Time Faculty

Brent Strunk
Chair, Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science Department
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Purdue University

David T. Calvis
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Michigan

Laura Croyle
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Kentucky

Melissa Dennison
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Illinois

Chungsim Han
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Brandeis University

Catherine Lane
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Ed.D., University of Cincinnati

Peggy Slavik
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Core Mathematics Coordinator
Ph.D., Kent State University

Adjunct Faculty

Barbara T. Aylward
Lecturer in Mathematics
M.A. Mathematics, John Carroll University

Lauren Brubaker
Lecturer in Mathematics
M.S., Mathematics, University of Akron

John Domanski
Lecturer in Mathematics
M.S.E.E., Cleveland State University

Amy Nowacki
Lecturer in Mathematics
Ph.D., Medical University of South Carolina

Viviane Nguyen
Ph.D, North Carolina A and T State University

Matthew Perkins
Lecturer in Mathematics
M.S., Mathematics, Cleveland State University

Christine Strunk
Lecturer in Mathematics
Ph.D., Purdue University